WHO WE AREAcient2017-10-20T10:19:51+00:00
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TFL is a boutique investment management firm founded in 2006 that manages
millions in assets and has employees working across USA, Europe and Asia.
Over the last 10 years, our mission has remained constant: to deliver the
alternative investment industry’s highest quality returns to our investors,
and to maintain a commitment to our principles of integrity, discipline and excellence
TFL allocates capital across a diverse set of strategies involving a variety of
predominantly liquid asset classes. The primary focus of our business is on
generating high-quality returns by engaging and overseeing INHOUSE
trading teams, each of which pursues specific strategies. Our core infrastructure
enables trading teams to pursue their strategies by delivering a flexible,
scalable and efficient platform within a rigorous control environment.
Our Institutional and Private investors benefit from our global resources.
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Enduring principles of integrity, discipline and excellence
When we think about TFL’s culture, the characteristics of integrity, discipline and excellence are embedded within our individuals and the Firm. It’s how we all aspire to operate every day—and these are the characteristics that define TFL as an organization. That is who we are.
Trading talent
Our trading teams pursue independent strategies based on their specific expertise. They are empowered to act with relative autonomy within their respective areas and are governed by a set of risk, compliance and operational controls.
Alignment with our investors
Our investors are our partners and everything we do revolves around delivering the alternative investment industry’s highest quality returns. This alignment with our investors is a critical aspect of our organization. TFL’s employees are also significant investors and are proud to be invested alongside a diverse and global investor base. In managing the Firm, we don’t need to try to put ourselves into our investors’ shoes – we’re already wearing them.
Core infrastructure
Our core infrastructure enables our trading teams to pursue their strategies within a rigorous control environment designed to manage risk effectively.
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Managed Accounts

As you have accumulated your wealth, the challenges associated with
managing your assets have become more and more complex.
TFL offers a managed account service which let you rely on the expertise of
some of the world’s top professional money managers to build a comprehensive,
more fully diversified portfolio. Your Financial Advisor will help you find the
most appropriate investment strategy to help meet your objectives.

Portfolio Manager Program

- This managed account program works a bit differently than others in that it offers you access to selected professional portfolio managers that all work together to help you reach your financial goals.
- You work with your Financial Advisor to determine your asset allocation needs and then select strategies based on your investment objectives and risk tolerance.
- Each portfolio manager directs and transacts all necessary trading activity in the account as they see fit, without you having to get involved with the day-to-day decision-making.
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